If you'd like to pay your invoice online, your payment will come through via PayPal. You do not need a Paypal account to make a payment, but you will need a credit card. If you don't have a paypal account, after clicking the purple "Pay Invoice Online" button below, there will be a link on the lower right that says "Don't have a PayPal account?" and if you click that you can enter a credit card number.
Your payment should be the Total at the bottom of your invoice + a 5% convenience charge. Sometimes Brandon calculates the amount for you. To calculate the amount you need to pay, multiply the Total by 1.05. If you are a customer with Sales and/or Use Tax added to the bottom of your invoice, multiply your Subtotal by 1.05 then add the Tax to come up with your Total to pay on Paypal. Should you have shipping charges on your invoice, those need to be added to your Subtotal before multiplying by 1.05.
Simply click here for instructions on making your payment and then click the Pay Invoice Online button below.